Saturday, October 29, 2011


Halloween is just around the corner. Definitely my fave holiday! ( and not just because it is my b-day) I love all things creepy and cooky. Its the day where kids actually get to be the heroes of their everyday lives. The day they get to eat candy non stop and wont get in trouble. The day they get to create there own person on the side of an orange veggie (fruit?).
 Its not just a day for kids, its for teens and adults
 too. Joe's roommates scared the crud out of me earlier, running in like zombies complete with fake blood and guts that looked scary real. They had just returned from a zombie walk, and plan to
 go to the haunted hospital tomorrow. I also know that there are dances, and spook alleys that college students can go to. Its just an amazing holiday, where people enjoy to be who they aren't and get scared! Parents too can join in by helping their children. It and christmas i think are the most family friendly holidays.

Tim Burtons movies are always good to watch around Halloween. All time favorite movies of mine! I just love things that are not always perfect and happy. He expresses himself in his movies; his personality  comes out in them. My favorite is probably Sleepy Hollow. I'm not sure why but it is.

I think that Jack-o-Lanterns are awesome too! People get to be creative and design what ever they want. This guy is amazing when it comes to pumpkin carving! I really want to do something like this someday that would be awesome!!

Friday, October 28, 2011


Art is so amazing!! OI i just can't believe all the amazing things you can do with it so many things you can use to make an image of your imagination!  My major is in Studio Arts- Drawing/ Painting/ Printmaking. I am also minoring in Art Education which should be awesome because you get to totally expand the horizons of things you can teach to others. For example by the time I am finished with college I will have taken photography, ceramics, painting, lithography/intaglio, silkscreen, drawing, and museum studies classes. I can't believe all the classes that my school offers and I am thankful to be able to come here.
These are some examples (none of which are mine, they are beautiful examples of what I mean) of types of mediums people have used to create amazing beautiful works of art. <3

Drawing (maybe charcoal)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Our Savior

Well to day is Sunday :) and i have been pondering a lot on our savior <3 He is amazing. To know how much he loves us and how much he has done for us is incredible. I can't even begin to comprehend the love he has for each and every on of us!! I am so thankful for him :)

This by far is my favorite picture of the Savor because I believe it shows the love of the Savior. For each on of us. And I believe it shows the love that our heavenly father has too, through the image of his son.  Art is a big part of my life, and I hope to one day be able to show my thanks, for my many blessings I have been given, through my art.